How to Build a Kickass Social Media Following!

June 26, 2017
We get asked every day, multiple times a day… "How do I become part of the ProSupps Team?"
First, getting sponsored by any company takes work. A lot of work. You have to be on your social media game like never before because companies are checking out your Instagram, Facebook, engagement, and your content on all of these platforms. Social media is a BEAST and it is constantly changing, but there are a few things that will step up your game no matter what they throw at us!
We get asked every day, multiple times a day…
"How do I become part of the ProSupps Team?"
First, getting sponsored by any company takes work. A lot of work. You have to be on your social media game like never before because companies are checking out your Instagram, Facebook, engagement, and your content on all of these platforms. Social media is a BEAST and it is constantly changing, but there are a few things that will step up your game no matter what they throw at us! Below are a few tips to bring your A-game!
Tip 1: Be real!
You are more likely to have good engagement on your pages if you are real with your followers. Sure you can airbrush your skin a tad or add a little bit of a filter, but NO photo-shopping here! Enhancements are easy to spot and if you over do it, your followers and companies will see right through it. Take the time to take good quality pictures – no shortcuts here! Brands want people who are good at showcasing themselves because, in turn, they will showcase their brand great as well!
Tip 2: Engage with your followers!
No one likes a social media snob and if someone takes time to comment on your post, respond! Engaging with your followers not only shows them you're interested in their comments, but also will help boost your page in the algorithms. The more you engage, the more likely you are to show up in the explore tabs and gain new followers.
Tip 3: Constant Content.
This phrase comes from the marketing term "Constant Contact". This means you are in their news feed every single day, at least once. This provides recognition and a place your followers will go to for your content. You should be providing content every day, on all platforms. Instagram posts should be 1-2 times per day, Facebook at least twice, and you should ALWAYS have something on your Instagram Story and Snapchat.
Tip 4: Find your "thing" and stick with it!
Are you purely fitness? Do you also show meal prep? Are you a Fit Mom? Do you love to take food pics? Whatever your "thing" is, be sure to show that through your posts. Bring more to the table than the same selfie pose with motivational quote we see every day, all day.
Tip 5: Show your personality.
This is very hard to do in just photos on Instagram. Use videos, Instagram Story and Snapchat to showcase that awesome personality that every brand wants on THEIR team! Get brave and put yourself out there. This is probably the most important aspect for companies looking for the new star of the team, so for this portion, treat it as if you already have 50 thousand followers!
Like we said earlier, Social media is a BEAST and it's constantly changing. Stay on top of the latest releases and updates so you are utilizing these platforms to your best ability. A little more effort goes a long way and will help get you noticed!

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