Greatest Findings in Strength Training

January 18, 2018
Before you convert the ‘bro-science’ into gym time, read these ten essentials you need to make strides toward improvements every time you lift.
2.75kgs: The amount of extra muscle you’ll build with full body workouts
The muscle wizards at the University of Alabama found that full-body regimes gave on average 2.27kgs greater muscle gain per month than sessions that focused on lone muscle groups.
Whey protein shakes: Best thing to take to boost muscle growth
To put lean muscle on the front foot, neck bracket either side of your workouts with a PS WHEY protein shake. This positively alters your hormonal and metabolic responses to exercise.
3 minutes: Perfect rest between weight lifting sets
Max strength needs time. Taking this long helps you fully recovery enough to give it your all, found studies. Just 3 minutes was as effective as 5 minutes rest, so get in do your thing and get out.
Supersets: The way of lifting weights best at burning fat and building muscle
Super by name and nature. Research found they make you burn more calories than traditional straight sets. Plus, they help you finish your workout faster. Win-win.
45-55: the number of minutes your weight lifting session should last
Beasting away for hours under the iron is an exercise in futility. Short yet intense weight sessions gave lifters some of the biggest surges of testosterone – your chief muscle-building hormone.
8-12: The best rep range for growth
This stresses your muscles enough to force growth and increases your body’s production of key muscle-building hormones: testosterone and growth hormone. It’s as easy as counting off your fingers.
10%: The increase in weight you’ll lift with the right mentality
Before a heavy set, visualize what each rep will feel like and how long it will take. Studies found this increased the amount gym rats could lift by 10%. A sharp mind begets sharp looking muscles.
Symmetry: The attribute mostly likely to keep you injury free
Working each limb individually will keep you out the chiropractor’s office. People who have disproportionate strength and musculature between their left and right limbs are more likely to get injured. Work with dumb-bells more often to even out any imbalances.
30 seconds: The amount of time you should hold stretches for
When it comes to stretching a quick game is a good game. Holding a stretch for this long-increased flexibility as long as holding same stretch for 60 seconds.
Water: Your most vital training aid
The most convincing reasons to drink water are the penalties of being parched. Dehydration reduces strength by 17%. How much is enough? Use this calculation: Daily water intake in ml = 45ml X your bodyweight in kilograms. Drink 500ml when training in the gym and an additional 1 liter per hour during endurance training.

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